Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lets call him Steve, I'm a lot less afraid of Steve

Its strange how much can happen in just one month.
Last month I started a new job and I love it! I work on campus at the marketplace where people can go eat a variety of great food. I usually work at the Mongolian where I make stir fry type food. This is the first time in a long time that I actually don't mind going to work. Its nice to work right on campus plus I get a free meal for every day I work! So now I'm not going hungry :)
I'm really sick of school this semester and thankfully spring break was last week so I finally got a break. The last 3 years I've gone somewhere for spring break so it was weird to go home but nice to see my family. On Monday I got a phone call saying that I should come home as soon as I could. Its no fun getting these calls. My mom had been admitted to the hospital early that morning to go in for her second brain surgery. Surgery's are no fun! Sometimes I wish I could go through the surgery's so the people I love don't have to. But, I guess that is not the way it works. oh well. On a lighter note, thanks to an awesome Christmas present, my brother invited me to go to a jazz game with him. They were pretty good seats. It was nice hanging out with him cause I never get to see him. He also bought us some awesome shirts that we wore on St. Patty's day. Spring break ended with Michelle and I making awesome t-shirts. Why you ask? Cause we are going to Michael Buble'!!!
We are so excited!! We have been counting down the days since the day we got the tickets. It is going to be amazing! This will be the second time I've seen him in concert. He is my all time favorite singer I love his take on jazz music. I have a goal to meet him and believe that this goal will come true next Wednesday.
So much is going on these next few months and I hope to get through them......find an apartment, figure out how to pay for it, finish school projects, pass finals, get home as much as possible, find another summer's hoping I make it.