Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is here!

I'm so glad that spring is finally here. All day we have had the windows open in our house and it has  been amazing. I love it. Spring coming has also brought some great activities. Thanks to Walmart I got a cool barbie kite for just one dollar! So last Sunday I took a friend and flew the kite on the quad.
On Thursday night I got work off to see my awesome cousin play soccer in Hyde Park. If you ask me that's kind of a long drive from Murray on a Thursday night but I'm glad it was my way. Before the game I was proud of myself and made baked pasta to take to the game. It actually wasn't half bad either. Before the game i thought i was going crazy cause I started to feel the ground shake, but when i turned to Ian we both realized it was an earthquake! My first one. I've always wanted to know what they felt like. It wasn't very big but it was still cool!
This weekend was also my friend Ryan's birthday. So on Friday night his friend James threw him a sweet super hero themed surprise party in the Provo area. So Ian and I drove down to attend. I went has catwoman. :) We were earlier then we thought so we went to eat at Wendy's. Usually going to Wendy's is great. But my car decided that it didn't want to let go of the key. We sat in the parking lot for over a half hour just trying to get the key back. When we finally got the car started we had already missed the surprise. :( The party was still cool though. After the party I got to show of my hometown. I love Murray. M-M-M-U-R R-R-R-A-Y M-U-R R-A-Y GOOOOO MURRAY. I just barely remembered this cheer during Marissa's soccer game. (: Then we finally drove back to Logan were i feel asleep the second I hit the pillow. Now that spring is here I will be spending a lot more time outside. (after finals) ugh I'm so done with school.

being mysterious