I've started to realize that I really enjoy doing crafts I only wish I was better at it. I like looking up different crafts that other people are working on and try to recreate them with my own personal touch. I just finished making a fleece tie blanket, not very crafty but i still really like it. its way cute! I'll post pictures when my computer gets fixed :(
Some other projects I want to do is make cute headbands, a corkboard, picure frames, and other stuff that i can't think of right now. If anyone has any ideas of crafts let me know! :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Being crafty
Posted by Melinda at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Birthdays and Concerts
If any of you 3 readers were wondering...I do have a boyfriend :) ha ha and he turned 24 this year on August 7th. Happy Birthday Ian! The night before his birthday we watched a movie called brothers. The only good part about the movie was the cute little girl in it. On his birthday we woke up early...okay before noon and I made us delicious crepes! we mostly layed around the whole day then went to eat at olive garden for dinner and ate the cake and watched netflix. :) I love birthdays! Can't wait for birth month. Yep I celebrate the whole month of September.
I surprised him with tickets to one of our favorite bands...The Swell Season! they are awesome. I seriously wish i had half their talent. The concert was on a Sunday which kind of sucked but it was still a really good aside from the fact that I got fried from sitting out in the sun the whole day before. The concert was at Red Butte garden. You sit on the lawn and enjoy the concert. It attracted a lot of hippie type people. everyone seemed to be prepared, seriously! people had like 6 bottles of wine each, cutting boards and knifes, sandwichs, coolers, chairs, you name it they had it! I heart the swell season. They are one of my all time favorites. Okay anyways we enjoyed it!
Posted by Melinda at 11:12 PM 0 comments
A day at the zoo
I'm still a kid at heart. I LOVE the zoo. It seriously makes me happy although it makes me kind of sad at the same time. I know I wouldn't want to be locked up all day with people staring at me...awkward!
When I got to the zoo parking lot I had a great idea. Since I hate carrying a purse with me I decided it would be a great idea to just bring a few things with me and leave the purse in the trunk. What wasn't such a great idea was also locking my car keys in there too! luckily Ian had money so he could get us into the zoo until my brother came by with the spare key.
My favorite part of the zoo is definitely the Giraffes! I love them, they are just so cute. I collect anything I can that has the giraffe print on it or any giraffey things. So if you ever wonder what to get me..you can't go wrong with giraffe :) My least favorite part of the zoo is the spiders! ewwww they have the section with the skins of them and it totally grosses me out! plus they have a phobia section of the zoo with things that creep people out and Ian forced me to overcome by fear and just look at the truantula (too afraid to look up how to spell that) ha ha. Yep I can't even look at a spider without having nightmares. Gross!
The new baby elephant was also way cute! Loved that thing. One day I will ride one :)
Posted by Melinda at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
July update
I never have anything cool to say so I rarely update this so here is a whole month of my life. For the 4th of July Sam and I went up to visit family in Evanston. It was fun. I was stuck with 3 boys for the day but it turned out to be okay. We played a bunch of sports and of course played a little x-box. You can't hang out with many boys without x-box being involved. Am i right girls? The night of the 3rd we went to buy some Wyoming fireworks and shot quite a few off. One did go crazy though and got really close to the house and started a small flame. Since The 4th was on a Sunday this year we didn't really do much.
The next few weeks were pretty boring. I mostly just beat alot of mario kart wii. I was extra lonely cause Ian was in Alaska with no phone service :( sad week.
For the 24th I got to go hang in Logan. I finally got to see Ryan and Michelle's new place and i'm so jealous cause its super cute! We did more activities that weekend then i did in the whole month of July. Got a good deal on ice cream, free fudge and honey, went swimming (in the coolest pool ever!), went to the parade, played just dance and mario kart, ate pizza, got snow cones, did awesome sparler pictures and watched a movie. Good times!
I also got to see a few great movies. I highly recommond people go see Despicable Me. It was super funny and way cute! Also saw inception (pretty interesting) and dinner for schmucks (this one was way dirtier then i thouht it was going to be, so don't take little children just to be safe :)
I went shopping last weekend and found some sweet deals! I got 2 jeans for 60 dollars which usually cost me 80 so i thought it was good, 3 undershirts for the price of one and a way cute outfit thanks to head over heals. yay I love shopping now i'm all set for school!
My roomate for like 3 years also got married last weekend. I love her! She looked so pretty in her dress and I love what she did with her hair. I still miss living with her even though its already been 3 months since i have. But i'm still happy for them congrats Zach and Jenni.
Posted by Melinda at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
Summer trips
I was barely home in the month of June. Sam and I were lucky enough to go on a church history tour. It was a lot of fun. I learned a lot about the "Pioneer" days and found it very interesting. The Doctrine and Covenants is so much more special to me now. This trip was also a great opportunity to spend time with my favoritest brother. <3 We went to Independence, Liberty jail, Far west, Nauvoo, Carthage jail, and Winter quarters. I liked every place we went to (minus i had a hard time enjoying it cause i felt aweful!) too hard to pick my favorite place. One thing I did love was catching fireflies! I had never been past Texas so it was a big surprise to see them...but i thought they were awesome. If you have heard any stories from us you know that we LOVED our tour guide. He was seriously so funny. Sam and I still quote him all the time. All in all it was a fun trip. I'm so glad we got to go.
Every year in June my family goes to our ranch to celebrate Uncle Gary's birthday. We love to play games and were introduced to a new one thanks to Emily and Sally. Dutch blitz I suggest you find it and buy it. Its pretty fun.Thanks guys. I love hanging out with my extended family that I don't get to see very often. Since the youngest cousin in our family is now 12 it was fun hanging out with some younger "cousins". We also went on a long 4wheeler ride into the mountains. I got more muddy then I have ever been but it was so worth it.
I also had the opportunity to shoot a gun up hyde park canyon. This was the first time I had done it! Thanks to the Ashcroft family in trusting me with their gun :) I had a lot of fun and actually hit a small target! After shooting I dragged poor Ian to see Eclipse with me. He's the best! This movie was by far the best of the 3 movies.
On another note my awesome cousin got engaged to his wonderful fiance. Their wedding is in August and we can't wait for her to be part of our family cause we already considered her a part of it. Congrats Clark and Natalia. Can't wait for your big day. (Did I mention I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time ever...yay!)
Posted by Melinda at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
The month of May
I just realized that I have been slacking on my blog. May was a crazy month. I'll just highlight a few things.
One of my bestest friends Alex got married to his cute wifey Ashlee. I'm glad i got to go to the wedding they were so happy. I love them!
Then the not so good news came. My mom had been sick since January and we said goodbye to her on May 24th. That was the hardest thing I've been through. But with friends and family around it made it easier.
Posted by Melinda at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Spring is here!
I'm so glad that spring is finally here. All day we have had the windows open in our house and it has been amazing. I love it. Spring coming has also brought some great activities. Thanks to Walmart I got a cool barbie kite for just one dollar! So last Sunday I took a friend and flew the kite on the quad.
On Thursday night I got work off to see my awesome cousin play soccer in Hyde Park. If you ask me that's kind of a long drive from Murray on a Thursday night but I'm glad it was my way. Before the game I was proud of myself and made baked pasta to take to the game. It actually wasn't half bad either. Before the game i thought i was going crazy cause I started to feel the ground shake, but when i turned to Ian we both realized it was an earthquake! My first one. I've always wanted to know what they felt like. It wasn't very big but it was still cool!
This weekend was also my friend Ryan's birthday. So on Friday night his friend James threw him a sweet super hero themed surprise party in the Provo area. So Ian and I drove down to attend. I went has catwoman. :) We were earlier then we thought so we went to eat at Wendy's. Usually going to Wendy's is great. But my car decided that it didn't want to let go of the key. We sat in the parking lot for over a half hour just trying to get the key back. When we finally got the car started we had already missed the surprise. :( The party was still cool though. After the party I got to show of my hometown. I love Murray. M-M-M-U-R R-R-R-A-Y M-U-R R-A-Y GOOOOO MURRAY. I just barely remembered this cheer during Marissa's soccer game. (: Then we finally drove back to Logan were i feel asleep the second I hit the pillow. Now that spring is here I will be spending a lot more time outside. (after finals) ugh I'm so done with school.
Posted by Melinda at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I heart Michael Buble'
2 weeks ago I went to the best concert ever! Michael Buble'! It was so much fun. I love his music and his concerts. In the middle of performing he jumped into the audience. As soon as that happened Michelle and I ran over to where he was and was pretty much face to face with our favorite singer! The best part about this was he looked right at me when sang one of my favorite songs Home. When we went back to our seats we didn't even care how crappy they were.
Before the concert we also got to enjoy a girls day spent shopping and eating at red robin. It was amazing. I love spending time with one of my bestest friends.
The fun continued that weekend with Easter. Easter is my favorite holiday. I seriously talk about all year long. People get kind of sick of it :) What made the weekend even better was General Conference. On Saturday night my brother, cousins and uncle went to Priesthood meeting and when they came back my Aunt brought over ice cream sundaes. I have the best family ever.
Then on Easter Sunday I mostly just laid around and watched some of conference. A tradition every year is to make sugar cookies. I have some cool cookie cutters in the shape of Easter things like bunnies, eggs, and carrots. The recipe makes about 3 dozen that I ate mostly by myself. Now I need to work out all those pounds. :)
I love love love spring and cannot wait until the weather clears up and school ends so I can play outside all day.
(This is Melinda and Michael we can't come to the phone right now but leave your comments below)
hahaha inside joke from the concert
Posted by Melinda at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Lets call him Steve, I'm a lot less afraid of Steve
Its strange how much can happen in just one month.
Last month I started a new job and I love it! I work on campus at the marketplace where people can go eat a variety of great food. I usually work at the Mongolian where I make stir fry type food. This is the first time in a long time that I actually don't mind going to work. Its nice to work right on campus plus I get a free meal for every day I work! So now I'm not going hungry :)
I'm really sick of school this semester and thankfully spring break was last week so I finally got a break. The last 3 years I've gone somewhere for spring break so it was weird to go home but nice to see my family. On Monday I got a phone call saying that I should come home as soon as I could. Its no fun getting these calls. My mom had been admitted to the hospital early that morning to go in for her second brain surgery. Surgery's are no fun! Sometimes I wish I could go through the surgery's so the people I love don't have to. But, I guess that is not the way it works. oh well. On a lighter note, thanks to an awesome Christmas present, my brother invited me to go to a jazz game with him. They were pretty good seats. It was nice hanging out with him cause I never get to see him. He also bought us some awesome shirts that we wore on St. Patty's day. Spring break ended with Michelle and I making awesome t-shirts. Why you ask? Cause we are going to Michael Buble'!!!
We are so excited!! We have been counting down the days since the day we got the tickets. It is going to be amazing! This will be the second time I've seen him in concert. He is my all time favorite singer I love his take on jazz music. I have a goal to meet him and believe that this goal will come true next Wednesday.
So much is going on these next few months and I hope to get through them......find an apartment, figure out how to pay for it, finish school projects, pass finals, get home as much as possible, find another summer job...here's hoping I make it.
Posted by Melinda at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
I heart the swell season and taking baths. The End.
Posted by Melinda at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I think its time I get a new hobby. Now accepting suggestions.
Posted by Melinda at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Haven't updated my blog for a really long time so here it is. So much has happened over the past 6 months i don't know where to begin so we'll just start with the beginning of school last year. The end of August and the first week of school I got in my first car accident. This was really hard cause i was pretty attached to my car. I seriously loved the thing. It took me a whole month to drive again. Even now if i see any honda accords or go through an intersection I cringe a little.
On to September, I finally turned 21 on the coolest day ever 09/09/09. My family came up to Logan and took me out to lunch and a movie, then that night my amazing friend Michelle threw me a party. We had some delicious cake and ice cream and went bowling. All together it was a great birthday. 2 weeks and 1 day later was Michelle's birthday. Although I couldn't spend the day with her we celebrated that weekend. We ate at Ihop with a group of friends and went to the famous true aggie night that michelle and ryan frequently attend :) It was a great night and i'm thankful for such wonderful friends.
October was filled with lots of fun things. My family and I took a much needed vacation together to wonderful Wendover. I tried my hand at gamling for the first time. There is something about pulling down that lever that makes it so much fun. We had an awesome room and an all you can eat dinner. Wth Halloween just around the corner October was filled with some great activites. We went to the haunted corn maze in Logan, the Pumpkin walk, carved pumpkins and drank hot chocolate. On Halloween Ryan, Michelle and I dressed up in random costumes we had lying around and went to dinner at village inn. After that we had a movie marathon with some of the chessest movies I've ever seen. The H1N1 scare also brought about a girls night in fabulous Salt Lake City. The 3 M's made a girls night out of getting shots for swine flu by going to the Gateway mall. We shopped for a bit and then went to eat at California pizza kitchen. After eating we decided to eat more and went to the McDonalds in the food court. We then went to my house in Murray and watched The Proposal with the always gorgeous Ryan Reynolds. "Hence the boat". Good times. Michelle, Melissa and I woke up bright and early the next morning to get shots when we were told 2 hours later that there was no medicine left. Although the purpose of our trip was not completed it was still an awesome girls night.
November- The month of thanks. I had a lot to be thankul for. My awesome mother had her birthday this month. I hate to admit it but i'm a pretty bad daughter when it comes to her birthday. But Sam and I decided to change that last year. She kept asking me all week if I was able to come home for her birthday and i kept saying no. We surprised her by taking her out to dinner and a movie. I even became crafty and made one of her favorite things....a clock. The next week was Thansgiving and we had a small get together wth my family and Aunt Linda, Uncle Scott, Kim and Weston. I love my family! They are so wonderful and I feel lucky to be a part of such a loving family.
December- December came and went way to fast. Finals week was the second week and surprisingly i was sad to be done with classes. It was a fun semester. With all the free time i started on my job search with no luck. I have applied for so many jobs and it gets so frustrating when not even one interview gets you a job. I like to think that the right job just hasn't shown up yet so i'll just continue looking. The Grinch is by far my favorite christmas movie and even though i watch it all year long it was watched at least 3 times this month. Every year we get together with the Watson family and eat at Sizzler. I never get to see this side of the family so it is always fun to get together with them for the holidays. If you know anything about my family on the Earley side then you know that we are big fans of playing games. So christmas eve we played some games if i remember correctly we played 7-up and apples to apples. Christmas morning we woke up and opened our presents followed by me cooking the annual christmas morning pancake breakfast. My awesome mom and brother pitched in and got me what i really wanted....an Xbox 360. :) We made our rounds to the aunts and uncles houses to see what everyone else got from santa. It was a relaxing Christmas vacation. After christmas I drove back to Logan to hang out with my roomate. For New Years we decided to party in Salt Lake City. Although i didn't get the new years kiss I wanted celebrating the new year with new friends was lots of fun.
January 2010! The beginning of a new year. I don't make plans for the new year but i hoped that this year would be better then the last.....no such luck. A few weeks into the new year my mom was hospitalized. At first they thought it was a stroke but later found out that she had a brain tumor. The surgery went well and I'm glad that she is recovering nicely at the rehab floor of the hospital. Although i'm thankful for the opportunity to go to college, its been hard living so far from home. I'm thankful for the invetion of cell phones to keep in constant contact. I love my mommy and can't wait for things to go back to normal. The week before she came to the hospital we had spent the whole week going out to movies. The movies that made the list was Up in the air, NINE, Sherlock holmes, 500 days of summer and leap year. We love movies and can't wait till we can go again.
Present- School is not my favorite this semester. I have too many group projects to count and I don't enjoy going to class like i usually do. Here's hoping i'll get through this semester. Only two more and I graduate! I had a job interview for a really good company and was sad to hear that due to budget costs I did not get the job. Once this economy turns around and gets them more money I plan on working there. Until then I've tried hard to not spend money like I used to. Thankfully i have friends who are willing to help me out and secretly drop off food on my doorstep :). March is coming up and i'm excited to say that I get to see my favorite singer in concert the wonderful Michael Buble'! My friend Michelle and I are going to the concert together and I have every intention of meeting him. so wish me luck. This will be my second time attending his concert and I hope it will be just as good as last time. Skipping ahead I can't wait for summer. More specifically the family trip to the Oregon coast (my favorite vacation destination!), rafting trip (if i'm still invited this year) and the annual trip to Bear Lake (if we can get the cabin).
I think thats about it for now but I plan on updating this more. (although i doubt anyone reads it) :)
Posted by Melinda at 11:24 AM 0 comments